Briefing—March 2025

Over strong protests, the FAA finalized an airworthiness directive and more news.

How Fast Should You Go?

It’s not just the speed of the aircraft that matters; it’s the time for a given trip.

Holding Entry

Today, with all the tools ATC has, a pilot can go years without holding. But, holds are still used and we must be able to handle them. And entry is the most challenging.

All About the Forecast

Ever wonder where those predictions really come from? Actually, they come from human forecasters, but they make extensive use of the available computer models.

No Three Alike

If you haven’t flown an ILS recently, most haven’t changed much. But you should stay familiar with this procedure and its many variations. Each one needs a closer look.

IFR Quiz—February 2025

Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELTs) expedite the finding of a downed aircraft. In 2023, the Cospas-Sarsat satellite network found 44 digital ELT-equipped aircraft. The time to find an aircraft is down from hours to minutes. This quiz might make you rethink whether betting on the old analog ELT in your airplane is worth your life.

NoPT? or YesPT?

Sometimes the need to fly a procedure turn is obvious. Sometimes it’s obvious you don’t fly it. But other times it’s not clear whether you should or shouldn’t.